Zaida Muxí Martínez

Barcelona, Spain

She holds a PhD from the ETSAB-UPC, where she is also a professor of urban planning. She was the Director of Urban Planning, Housing, Environment, Urban Ecology, Public Spaces, Public Roads and Civic Responsibility of Santa Coloma de Gramenet from 2015 to 2019. She specializes in urban planning, architecture and gender. She is a founding member of the network “Un día una arquitecta” and founder of Col·lectiu punt 6 ( Some of her recent publications include:  Mujeres, casas y ciudades. Más allá del umbral (dpr-barcelona, 2018), Beyond the threshold. Women, Houses and Cities (dpr-barcelona, 2021) and she is the coauthor along with Josep Maria Montaner of Política y arquitectura. Por un urbanismo de lo común y ecofeminista (Editorial Gustavo Gili 2020).